
Minimum Word Ranking

Change your minimum word ranking to make your word and section completions more or less strict. Setting a low minimum ranking may result in completions with uncommon words, while setting a high ranking may result in limited completion options.

Word Lists

Select Word List

If you have multiple word lists, you can change which word lists are active on the settings page.

Upload Word List

To upload a word list, click the "Upload new word list" link (pictured above). The following upload form will appear:

To upload a word list, type in a name, choose a file on your computer, check whether or not to set the list as your current list, then click upload.

File format

The file upload screen displays the following file format instructions:

Most importantly, the file should one word per line. It can be any file type as long as the file is plain text. (csv or txt would be common supported file types).

For example, this will work:


While this will not:


If you're words have rankings, they can be before or after the word, but should also be one per line. For example, this is also a supported format:


Note that the word list upload can take some time to complete. There's also a file size limit, but it typically doesn't come into play unless your word list is over 1 million words. Word lists of that size aren't currently supported by Sparkling Fill.

Last updated