Sections Tab

Filling individual sections of your crossword

Selecting a section

Extended Area

A control + click will select an area of the puzzle AND any words intersecting that area. Often, an area we want to fill is not perfectly square. Rather we want to fill an area with words of various lengths and directions. Control + click enables this behavior. To select an extended area, follow these steps:

  1. Click a white square within your grid

  2. Press and hold the control key

  3. While holding control, click a second square

Square Area

A shift + click will select a square area without concern for the surrounding words. To select a square area, follow these steps:

  1. Click a white square within your grid

  2. Press and hold the shift key

  3. While holding shift, click a second square

As you can see, with this type of selection we get the square area we've selected without surrounding areas. For example, our section only includes the last three letters of the bottom across word. This means our completions may or may not include valid options for this word. To include this word, use a control + click.

Adjusting the selected squares

Once you have selected a section, you can adjust which individual squares were selected by using another control + click.

Completing the section

Once you've selected a section using the above methods, simply click "Complete Section" to see the results.

Interpreting the results

The resulting completions will be displayed as follows:

When a section completion is requested, the results will appear to the right of your main grid. There will be one result if you are using the free version of the software, and eight results if you are using the pro version.

On the left is the completed grid, and on the right are the words used in the completion, accompanied by their ranking and a total ranking. The results are sorted by total ranking, so the first result will include the most common words and should be free of obscure entries if such a fill is possible.

Note: At the top of this control is a dropdown (labelled "37,38,39, et al" above). If you've requested completions for different sections of the grid, you can switch between them using the dropdown.

Inserting a completion

If you would like to insert one of the resulting completions into the grid, simply click anywhere on the completion.

Last updated